Attempting to install RT-Thread-Studio-setup-x86_64-latest.exe on a Windows10 laptop. Upon confirming the install folder, an unintelligible window pops up, that stops the install process. Has anyone run into this and can offer a solution?
What is your system language and your system locale ?
not sure what's the issue upon this, you may try to reinstall
System language is: English (United States)System locale is: English (United States)
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System language is: English (United States)
System locale is: English (United States)
@dhesford Set the default encoding of windows10 to UTF-8 and try again
Discovered the issue was the folder I was attempting to install, i.e. 'Program Files'. Install code does not accept the 'space'. I have successfully installed Studio to the root. Now I need to understand how to use Studio to upload code to the BK7252 chip.