Hello all,
I am porting RT-Thread 5.1.0 to the STM32H723. I have a console output on USART10.
But when I press a key on the console, RT-Thread crash.
It seems it try to call the USART10 Interrupt, but instead call WAKEUP_PIN_IRQHandler. Seem that the interrupt vector table is wrong.
What also puzzles me: when I list the functions inside rt-thread.elf, the interrupt vector table seem to be empty.
08012c18 T __vsymtab_end
08012c18 T __vsymtab_start
08001bbd W WAKEUP_PIN_IRQHandler
0800d033 T WWDG_IRQHandler
How can I install the USART10_IRQHandler in RT-Thread, so that the console work?
Thank you for any hint!