I am trying to add more source code files to the rasppi-64 source code directory of the RT-thread source tree. When I use the scons command to build my RT-thread application, it complains it cannot find the *.c source code files I added to the folder. I cannot find the file that lists out all the .c files for the compiler to build. What is its name and which folder does it reside in please?
The file would be similar to the contents of CMakeLists.txt in the ESP-IDF development environment.
modify the folder's 'Sconscript' file may help you.
Thank you. I've been trying that for over a year now, and still no luck.
What I did was I created a folder raspvisor underneath the applications folder:
Within is my source code plus a SConscript file, whose contents I pasted below:
Yet it still isn't picked up. Makes no sense as I followed the pattern of the SConscript files in the folders above, and I return the folders to build.
My only thought is I might need to specify this directory in the top folder's SConscript file, but I cannot find it there. What am I doing wrong?