davidticker asnwered a post
It looks like the setting has a problem, did you check the tutorial video? It is simple to follow up
davidticker leaved a comment
@theRat Could you please send a screenshot of this issue, so I can help to quickly locate the issue.
davidticker asnwered a post
Hi Simon. Did you try to Migrate the project?
davidticker asnwered a post
https://youtu.be/Gz9amRmX0DYhope it helps you.
davidticker asnwered a post
that's a great idea, but sadly I don't know much about this. May wait for someone else to give a gui
davidticker asnwered a post
I don't find WIFI is supported on 64 bits, you can try to figure this out and contribute this work t
davidticker asnwered a post
Raspberry Pi4 32 bits or 64 bits?
davidticker asnwered a post
vpn client? what's that for?
davidticker asnwered a post
not sure what's the issue upon this, you may try to reinstall
davidticker asnwered a post
I don't think RT-Thread Studio IDE supports Raspberry Pi4, but it does support the PICO. However, yo
davidticker asnwered a post
Any logs can share?
davidticker asnwered a post
Download the error reporting toolchain of [gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-elf], and unzip the to
davidticker asnwered a post
Hiii Amit. You can find the support on RT-Thread Studio IDE, https://www.rt-thread.io/studio.html
davidticker leaved a comment
Great Sharing! The community is working on Arduino. You may refer to https://github.com/mysterywolf/
davidticker asnwered a post
RT-Thread Studio - release build