hope it helps you.
hope it helps you.
that's a great idea, but sadly I don't know much about this. May wait for someone else to give a guide.
I don't find WIFI is supported on 64 bits, you can try to figure this out and contribute this work to the community.
Raspberry Pi4 32 bits or 64 bits?
vpn client? what's that for?
not sure what's the issue upon this, you may try to reinstall
I don't think RT-Thread Studio IDE supports Raspberry Pi4, but it does support the PICO.
However, you can try to use RT-Thread Env to develop the Raspberry PI4, here's the tutorial video you may need to check first: https://youtu.be/dEK94o_YoSo
it's quite easy to get started.
Any logs can share?
Download the error reporting toolchain of [gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-elf], and unzip the toolchain, then modify [rtconfig.py] file under [C:DerrickGitHubRT-Threadrt-thread_Minebspraspberry-piraspi4-64],and modify the [/opt/gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-elf/bin/] path into the correct path.
Hiii Amit. You can find the support on RT-Thread Studio IDE, https://www.rt-thread.io/studio.html
IoT and RT-Thread Software Packages ecosystem.
hey man, what project are you working on?
Hi Sami, you may check out RT-Thread Thread Documents: https://www.rt-thread.io/document/site/programming-manual/thread/thread/
You can get the answer from https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/tree/master/bsp/raspberry-pico
Ask Disabling L1 and L2 cache