flyboy leaved a comment
I added a new serial port uart1, so if you have an AT module, you can try to use it to connect to th
flyboy asnwered a post
This problem has been fixed. merge, update th
flyboy asnwered a post
There are still some problems:Can't enable RT_USING_LIBCUnknownCan someone help me solve it?
flyboy leaved a comment
There are still some problems:Can't enable RT_USING_LIBCUnknownCan someone help me solve it?
flyboy leaved a comment
I have completed the production of bsp and merged it into the official git repository https://github
flyboy asnwered a post
I have added the code of Raspberry Pi PICO to the RT-thread:
flyboy leaved a comment
I successfully run RT-Thread on Raspberry Pi PICO